1. March 2020

Project start of the EXIST Research Transfer

The approval of the Exist research transfer marks another important milestone in the transfer of ROBIN from the university environment of TU Dresden to industrial use. In addition to preparing the foundation of the company, the first pilot applications are to be implemented.

After the premiere of the ROBIN system in October 2019 at the world's largest plastics trade fair "K2019" in Düsseldorf, the ROBIN team can take another important step. The outstanding response is now being built upon as part of an EXIST research transfer in order to bring the technology to market as quickly as possible. Parallel to the founding of the company, the production of the first components is currently being implemented together with pilot users. The founding team, consisting of Dr. Michael Krahl, Dr. Michael Stegelmann, Tony Weber and Jan Luft, will now enable the system technology for a wide range of industrial applications in the coming years.

The project "ROBIN - ROBOTISED INJECTION-MOULDING" (funding code: 03EFOSN165) is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the European Social Fund as part of the EXIST programme." The project has a duration of 18 months and started on 01.03.2020. During this start-up phase, we are receiving extensive support from the Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology and the TU Dresden.

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