7. February 2023

Awarded with the Pioneer of the Leichtbauwelt 2022

The readers of the news platform Leichtbauwelt voted us the winner of the "Pioneer of the Lightweight Engineering World 2022". ANYBRID won 33.1 percent of the votes by a wide margin.

What the Robin of Sherwood Forest only tried to do, the Robin of injection molding succeeds in doing: turning long-established and traditional conditions on their head.

Injection molds - the molds into which the plastic is injected - are usually very expensive compared to the component, so that the process only becomes profitable with a certain number of units. This experience was also made by the 4-member founding team around Michael Stegelmann over the last ten to 15 years in various research projects at the Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) at the TU Dresden. This is how the incentive arose to make injection molding usable as a process for hybridizing lightweight components at lower volumes and also for other production processes. One of the founders, Michael Stegelmann, reveals more about Robin - the "flying injection molding machine", about the process technology, the background to its development and the potential for the future, and takes us into the world of his startup, the company ANYBRID GmbH.

More to read in the article (only German)

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