18. January 2023

„New Plastic Heroes“ in the Kunststoffe-magazin

Using lightweight technologies to make injection molding equipment so compact and light that it can take off with robotic assistance - that is Anybrid's vision. The start-up from Dresden knows how to convince not only with words, but also with its understanding of technology.

Excerpt from the article in Kunststoffe:

"Michael Stegelmann is one of the managing directors of Anybrid. The start-up from Dresden makes injection molding machines lightweight, mobile and flexible. To do so, Stegelmann and his three co-founders combine the disciplines of plastics technology and lightweight engineering in a way they say has never been imagined before. We spoke with Stegelmann as part of our "New Plastic Heroes" startup series about the company, its successes and challenges, and the future of lightweight engineering."


More about this at the following link (Article only in German):




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