The biggest challenge in the realisation of manufacturing processes for the production of hybrid components is often the high mould costs and the great effort required for the installation of the necessary plant technology.
With our system, we lower the barrier to enable the rapid use of our injection moulding technology in your production.
We think beyond the process and bring the machine and the mould to the part.
Out of the press
Composites World about ANYBRID
Composites World reports about ROBIN: "Robotic injection molding for functionalized composites"
Transfer project of the month
THE Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce presents ANYBRID GMBH as transproject of the month in the first annual issue of its members' magazine.
Presenting at the Webinar Wednesday from the Composites United
Dr. Michael Krahl presents our ROBIN technology at the Composites United Webinar Wednesday.
News Article in the "Kunststoffe"
It's there at last, the current issue of Kunststoffe with a detailed article on our mobile injection moulding ROBIN. The article focuses in particular on the cooperation between Rehau and us. We proudly present the results of the extensive tests in Rehau's technical centre.
Article in the JEC Magazine
Exciting article in the JEC Group magazine about our joint project with INOMETA and Mitsui. High-performance TAFNEX® tapes from Mitsui were processed into composite profiles at INOMETA using laser-based thermoplastic winding before they were functionalised with #ROBIN.