About us.

Dipl.-Ing. Jan Luft
Technological Development
His exceptional know-how in the design and engineering of structural lightweight components is what makes the idea behind ANYBRID possible in the first place.
Our roots lie at the Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) at the TU Dresden. For more than 15 years, we have had a major influence on the developments at the ILK in the field of process technology for the design and manufacture of lightweight components in a large number of projects. The needs of our industrial customers combined with the outstanding support at the ILK to develop and implement our own ideas have ultimately led us to think process technology in a completely different way. In our team we combine our know-how on lightweight materials and products as well as our experience in process design to implement a completely new generation of flexible and changeable plant technology.
Our Path.
Foundation of the ANYBRID GmbH
With the formal signature of the GmbH shareholders' agreement at the notary's office, we are now giving the official go-ahead for the marketing of our ROBIN technology shortly before the end of the year. We are looking forward to the tasks ahead.
AVK Innovation Award 2020
The ANYBRID team is delighted to receive the AVK Innovation Award 2020 for the ROBIN technology in the Processes and Procedures category.
Project start of the EXIST Research Transfer
The approval of the Exist research transfer marks another important milestone in the transfer of ROBIN from the university environment of TU Dresden to industrial use. In addition to preparing the foundation of the company, the first pilot applications are to be implemented.